By | February 18, 2025

I thought that maybe, just maybe, things would calm down a bit as 2025 dawned. Oh, no!  It seems to be getting worse.  In western astrology though, I understand that this was to be expected. 

There was a late 1960s medley of two songs —  Aquarius /Let the Sunshine In made popular and released as a single by the American R&B group the Fifth Dimension. It was written for the hit musical Hair. Those were turbulent times because of the Vietnam War and the protests that ensued from it. It was a hopeful song looking forward to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius when we could “let the sunshine in” while embroiled in the clashes of the times then.

 I mention this because we are now in the midst of a tremendous shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Allow me to quote from an article with the title “Can Astrology Explain Why The World is So Crazy Right Now?) written by Vicky Spratt in 2016 (yes 2016 but still quite relevant now) in the UK lifestyle magazine Grazia. She had interviewed a professional astrologer Fiona Graham to find out what the Age of Aquarius is. Allow me to quote from her article when she interviewed Fiona.

“In the way that each of the sign of the Zodiac are purported to shape our individual personalities, they also shape the Great Ages they are aligned with….There is no such thing as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ sign of the Zodiac.  Each sign represents archetypal qualities with both positive and negative manifestations….”

To make it simple, the planet Earth moves through all 12 Astrological Signs of the Zodiac but in a “retrograde” direction at the point of changing. Take note, it takes almost 26,000 years to complete the movement through all 12 signs.

 Being in retrograde is considered challenging. Wrap that around your head. It takes a little over 2,000 years to move through one sign. But before it settles into the next sign, there will be a considerable number of years or even decades before it settles down because of our wobbly axis. (Review your science.)

Some say we are in between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. It makes sense that there is a transition going on at the moment. I bet you can feel it. I do. And it is quite apparent with all the erratic and tumultuous events happening around the world.

Fiona said that “For over 2000 years we were living through The Age of Pisces. This describes the era following the birth of Christ. Christianity incorporates the symbols of fishes and the washing of feet (all Piscean associations), and the broader notions of crusading spirituality, compassion, sacrifice, redemption (Pisces again). The Age of Pisces fostered the influence of individual ‘saviors’ of humanity, with religious figures like Jesus, the Prophet Muhammad and a host of others. The less appealing ‘shadow side’ to Pisces is a lack of boundaries, potential deception, addictive behaviors and blind faith that can ignore the voice of reason or injustice.”

Fiona explains that…”Aquarius differs from Pisces….it (Aquarius) is a ‘more rational, principled, ideological and political sign. It is the sign of radicalism, rebellion, innovation and collective mind-sets and is also traditionally the sign of revolution and the rise of the ordinary citizen against absolute power, associated with intellectual brilliance – flashes of genius.”

Doesn’t all of the above make sense?  I really think it does. There is still a debate among astrologers when it is that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, or if it has even begun at all already. She goes on to say that “some believe it started with the theosophical movement in the late 19th century; others attribute it to the 1960s social revolution and the ‘New Age’ movement. Our generation could time it by the technological revolution we are currently in the throes of. However, some are convinced that the Age won’t even begin until around 2150.”

“So how could this phenomenon possibly explain the tumult and rapid change the human race is currently experiencing? ‘We can perhaps work on the assumption that there is an overlap’ says Fiona, ‘a dramatic phasing out of one Age into another, from Pisces to Aquarius. This may best describe the turbulent character of the times we are living in now. The turmoil of a major transition.’

This is an article I really find interesting and I hope you do too. In the next issue we will continue with the rest of the article and find out more about what astrology has to say about the Age of Aquarius.

I am not an astrologer but I have friends who are professional astrologers and have studied and learned a bit about it for the past decade. I believe it has an influence in our lives but I also believe that it is only a blue print. Ultimately, it is still our consciousness which will reign supreme. Another topic for another time.

So, in the meantime, just stay the course, keep the faith, do what you have to do. Life goes on. The rumblings are real. Literally and figuratively. But they too shall pass.  


Now, how about a relaxing Chinese period drama series on Netflix—PERFECT MATCH (2025)? The male lead is the same actor as in the riveting, intense drama series (also on Netflix)—THE DOUBLE (2024). The vibes of PERFECT MATCH though is very different. If you prefer shock therapy watch THE DOUBLE. But if you want something softer and swoon worthy, go for THE PERFECT MATCH. Choose your wild. Both  engaging and  perfect for marathoning on a cold, snowy day (or night) in your comfy, cozy couch (or bed) wrapped with a warm, fluffy duvet. The Age of Aquarius can just go on. But you are hunky dory with something as mundane as “telebabading”.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NICOLE DOMINIQUE TAYLOR! Peace and prosperity to the beautiful and talented Nikki!!

Belated happy Valentine to all!  Peace and joy, love and hugs!


Tessie Ochangco Taylor