The Rise of Food Bank Use in Toronto: How You Can Support

By | September 13, 2024

The food insecurity situation in Toronto has reached alarming levels. Recent statistics from the Who’s Hungry Report 2023 – Daily Bread underscore the severity of the crisis:

  • One in ten Torontonians now rely on food banks to meet their basic needs.
  • Food bank visits surged to 2.53 million between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023—a staggering 51% increase from the previous year.
  • The number of new food bank clients has skyrocketed by 154% in the past year.
  • 31% of food bank clients reported experiencing a full day without food in the past year.
  • 47% of food bank clients have at least one employed household member.
  • One in four food bank clients are children or youth.

These statistics highlight the urgent need for food and clothing assistance in our city. You can play a crucial role in addressing this crisis by supporting local non-profit organizations such as the following:

The Sharing Place Toronto

The Sharing Place is a ministry of the Nazarene Church of Canada, serving the Bloor West and Junction communities for over 25 years. They provide warm meals, food packages, and gently used clothing to those in need every Thursday. Their operations depend on the generosity of local residents and businesses. To learn more about their impactful work, visit

Hand Up Toronto

Hand Up Toronto is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to combating hunger in low-income communities across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). They deliver care packages, including meals, nutritional supplements, and hygiene necessities, to communities in need. Their mobile strategy targets priority areas, ensuring that assistance reaches neighborhoods that lack proximity to food banks. Discover more about their efforts at

Your support and donations can make a significant difference. Get involved and help our community address this critical issue.

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