

This generation is slowly losing belief on the novelty of love. They believe on the material security of a relationship that brings temporary happiness thus losing the chance to experience true happiness brought by a soul mate.
February is so important for those hopeless romantic people. This is the time to re-think if they have found the elusive soul mate of their life. I already wrote several articles about soul mate but it seems inquiries will never stop for as long as all believers of soul mate found theirs.
In Greek mythology, during the olden times, it was told that in Olympus there was once a creature that had 2 heads, four arms, and four legs. Then he did something to offend one of the gods. The god punished him by cutting him in the middle thus splitting into two and thrown on earth to be human and condemned to spend their lifetime searching for their other half in order to achieve once again their perfect original composition. Finding the other half is the only remedy for the punishment and thus, achieve nirvana once more.
In Christian belief or mostly for those who believe in soul mate, this is their story: It is believed that the one Creator created flesh from mud and He breathed in to it to come into life. The breath is the one spirit of life for the creation of the first man, Adam. But because man was split into two, as Adam and Eve, the spirit was also split into two. Thus, it was the beginning of living on earth separately with the ultimate mission of finding the other half to reach the ultimate perfection of life. The belief is that perfection can only be achieved if you have the other half of your soul. And nobody can enter the place of origin, which is heaven, without its original state of oneness
Different beliefs, different stories, two different paths but all will end in one path. The union of two spirits is what we call soul mate; being one again like in its original form. But again, it is so hard to find that elusive one true soul mate. And to make matters worse, man invented different kinds and levels of a soul mate relationship.
Companion Soul mate These are the people that we encounter through our life. They are usually our friends, teachers, mentors, and acquaintances who have helped us in achieving a life’s goal or helped
us out of a crisis. Twin Soul mates This type of soul mate is usually our closest friends whom we really click with. According to those who believe in reincarnation, we have already met them in a past life, and in this life we are continuing the relationship or better yet, expanding it to new horizons. There is an emotional bond between these soul mates and each is able to sense the feelings of each other no matter their differences. Twin Flame Soul mates This is the most popular type of soul mate. There is usually one twin flame soul mate for each of us. Twin flame soul mates have spent multiple lifetimes together in their past lives. There is incredible chemistry and attraction towards each other. They “complete” each other and only few lucky people are able to find their twin flame soul mate. Twin flame soul mates, if separated, usually suffer enormous pain and worst, even death.
If based on a different kind of soul mate, the one invented and defined by man, we will encounter a conflict of understanding on what kind of soul mate do we have in life now. But if you dig deeper you will find that even if it is categorized as a different kind of soul mate, the reason is still to complete the purpose of one’s life. The main goal and reason of this belief is to achieve perfection.
1. Write your name and birthday. Let your partner write his/her own name and birthday in the same paper. Try to put any DNA in that paper. From saliva to blood or anything depending on your imagination.
2. Fold it and seal it in one clean white paper and put it in your own pillow and sleep with it for nine consecutive days. Sounds like a childlike ritual but nobody will be hurt in doing this ritual.
3. During those nine days, it is expected that there will be a dream, a vision of recalling of the past between the two of you. Even just seeing the face of those whose names are written is enough evidence or sign of a past life connection between the two.
4. If nothing happened, if no vision or dream occurred, the ritual can be repeated nine days before the birthday of those names written in the paper.
5. If after a year and three rituals still resulted to nothing, then acceptance of the truth is a must. One should start looking for his/her true soul mate.
1. Remember that soul mate may not be a life mate. He or she can be anybody. So be patient. Your soul mate will color your world no matter how old you are. Do not rush into things. Just wish for that elusive soul mate to come.
2. Accept people as they are. Recognition sometimes comes late. There are cases where a couple needs to break up just to find out that what they are looking for is the
one they have for a long time. So, it’s better to hold all the people around you than rejecting them because of the reason of soul mate search.
3. Instead of waiting for that soul mate to appear, make one’s self apparent by being a better person. It attracts as an invitation to a soul mate. Soul mate never recognizes negative energy. Being positive will emit such tremendous energy for you and your soul mate together.
4. He or she will come in the perfect time of your life when other karmic debt was paid to other persons. So paying all the past dues of life will make a soul mate come into your life faster.
5. Remember when you find your soul mate, the union and bonding is forever. No matter what happens, or whoever tried to dis-unite the two will be an exercise of futility. Even death will be cheated by both. If one live, the other also lives. But when one dies, the other will die also. Be courageous to face this reality of soul mate connection

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