


 Once more, we go on with our magnificent wonderful journey towards a life of infinite abundance and blessings. READ what follows: once silently, once aloud. You may repeat the process for the next two weeks so you experience for yourself the joy and the peace of a positively affirming life. It is best if you also reread the previous affirmations so you deepen the habit of always radiating and generating cheerful loving energy.


Affirmation SIX: I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude.

As the year comes to a close, and as another year is about to begin, I make time to feel thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I give thanks no matter what, even if.

I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude for my good health, my whole body, all my senses, my hands, my feet, my ability to engage in many activities. I express my gratitude for all things physical.

I am thankful for all the things I use: gadgets, appliances, equipment. I appreciate all that I have and enjoy: food, clothing, shelter, mobile phone and wi-fi connection. I express gratitude for all things material. I give thanks, no matter what, even if.

I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude for the big and little victories I have achieved in life this year: my daily chores, assignments, work load. My errands, new skills, rewards. My goals, dreams, fulfilled moments. I express gratitude for all done tasks.

I am thankful for my simple joys: a cup of coffee, the sunset, time with friends, Sunday morning. I appreciate my simple pleasures: a warm soak in the tub, apple pie, a walk in the park, my favorite book. I express gratitude for even the littlest of things because the littlest things are the most frequent blessings. I give thanks, no matter what, even if.

I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude for my tears and experiences. My growth from things I had to learn, relearn and unlearn. My insights and wisdom from what happened and didn’t happen. My pains and gains for the past months. For the struggle between the old me asserting and the new me emerging. I express gratitude for my recent lessons.

I am thankful for the important people in my life: parents, children, brothers and sisters. Friends, loved ones, colleagues at work. People who have helped me, served me, taught me, listened to me. I appreciate everyone in my community who make my life easy and convenient from day to day: the butcher, the baker, the policeman. The grocer, the bus driver, the sales person at the counter. I express gratitude for the special people who surround me. I give thanks, no matter what, even if.

There is so much to be thankful for, even on days that seem dark or long. There is so much to be thankful for, even when things are different from what I want or expect. There is so much to be thankful for, even when people are sometimes difficult or impossible.

So today and every day, I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude for the year that was, and for the year that will come. I feel thankful and remain thankful, anytime, every time, all the time. My gratitude is not geographical. My thanks is not according to mood. My gratefulness is not occasional. I give thanks, no matter what, even if.

I am grateful. I give thanks. I live gratitude.

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