Save the Wildflowers

Wildflowers play an important role in our ecosystems. Not only they beautify our surroundings, but these plants have also a big impact in soil health to pollination, and to us as humans. Pollinators: like bees, insects, and birds, depend on many species of wildflowers for food. In turn, these pollinators help provide our food. In fact, around 75… Read More »

Media Reporting during Martial Law Years

Working in a newspaper during those early years of martial law in the 70s was not so complicated and fearsome; all the papers had to do was publish “positive stories” about the workings of government and country– and follow Malacañang’s directives. Those martial law years were the heyday for press releases, but some people called them “praise releases.”… Read More »

INTRODUCING:  The Sinè Institute

 As I write (Sept 13, 12:45 am), I feel my cheeks damp.  Am crying?  Quietly, yes.  I feel so grateful for the kindness and support of everyone. Our org, The Sinè Institute, will need you all the way as we encourage you to appreciate the Filipino culture and examine the Film industry as a potential career for a… Read More »


These words ring true more than ever today.  These words were first written by the novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in “Cardinal Richelieu”, the historical play he wrote in 1839.  According to Alison Gee of BBC News, there were previous writers who have expressed the same thought earlier, like Robert Burton, in the early 17th century when he… Read More »

WANTED: Live in Caregiver – SENIORS

Location: ON L3P 4J6Seeking female applicants only to care for elderly mother. Morning/Day/Evening shiftPay rate $16.55 ro $17.00 per hour/40 hrs per week.Requirements: 1 – 2 years releated work experience, minimum High School certificate, First Aid Certificate,  please apply by email with your resume and cover letter to

RxART Canada: Healing through Art

Art activities and art appreciation has been known to promote healing, reduce stress and anxiety. While more studies are needed to better understand how art therapy impacts our mental and physical health, there is a growing interest in its efficacy for a broad spectrum of health conditions. In a study conducted by Girija Kaimal, (2016), they found… Read More »


“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.“ – Albert Einstein  My my, if I take Einstein’s words seriously, I would have been a ” World’s Most” of a lot! That’s because I could be passionate about many things but have absolutely no special talents to pursue them. But of course, Einstein is being humble; besides… Read More »

 A Letter to My Father

“There are moments in life when the clouds lift and the curtain of rain blows back and suddenly the world stands before you, stark and vast, and you teeter on the edge of an enormous precipice of knowing, of understanding with every fibre in your soul, every hair on your head; and this was one such moment.” –… Read More »

 People at SSS office in Toronto deserve praise

The people manning the “little office” of the Social Security System (SSS) in Toronto deserve to be commended for their dedication and hard work in serving the growing number of Pinoy seniors and the caregivers in the community. When I was there two months ago, I saw a long line of seniors and caregivers, standing for hours, waiting… Read More »