Who doesn’t like PNoy?

MANILA From the start of President Benigno Aquino’s administration, certain groups have been trying to undermine his hold on power. Let’s have a look at who they are. First is the political opposition, which is directly allied with former President Gloria Arroyo. It’s a given that the political opposition would attempt to weaken any incumbent leader. But this… Read More »

Mike Arroyo: It’s payback time?

>Mike Arroyo was quoted in newspaper reports last week that he was deprived of due process when the Philippine National Police (PNP) “rushed” the filing of plunder charges against him and several others in connection with the allegedly anomalous purchase of used helicopters by the PNP in 2009. He refused to testify during the Senate investigation of the… Read More »


T’was ten years since the devastating terror attack in New York city’s Twin towers, ..9/11. IN MEMORIAM.We pause and remember this sad day in modern history. We pray for and remember the victims and their families, just as we condemn this most evil act against mankind . The inscription in ground zero says : ‘MAY WE NEVER FORGET… Read More »


Q. Greetings for serving the Pilipino community through “Batas Pinoy” in the Balita. I am writing on behalf of my husband whose father passed away in 2008. His mother also passed away in 2009. My husband has siblings who now live in Canada, except for their youngest brother who prefers to stay in the Philippines. My is now… Read More »

How do you solve a problem like Mindanao?

With Philippine and American soldiers conducting joint military exercises right in the middle of the known lair of renegade Muslim commander Ameril Umbra Kato in Central Mindanao, both the Philippines and the United States are sending signals to the Muslim rebels that they are prepared to do anything to forge peace in that troubled region. Umbra Kato is… Read More »

Spratly Appeasement

September 30, 2011 marks the 73rd anniversary of the Munich Agreement, which was signed by the major powers of Europe to appease Germany’s Adolf Hitler from attacking Germany’s neighbors. After the signing, Britain’s Neville Chamberlain and France’s Edouard Deladier triumphantly brought home the “solemn pledge” signed by Hitler and Italy’s Benito Mussolini. Chamberlain proudly announced to Londoners, “peace… Read More »

Religion in a Democracy

Sunday, September 11, 2011 marked the tenth anniversary of the worst national tragedy in the history of the United States of America. On that fateful beautiful day, with blue skies and bright sunshine, the most powerful nation in the world, experienced its darkest hours. Nineteen terrorists sky-jacked four passenger airplanes. Two of them crashed at the World Trade… Read More »

Are we corrupt?

MANILA Corruption in the past government appears to have been so rampant it makes one sick just thinking about it. Recent exposes about stealing the people’s money, crooked deals involving public funds, and plain abuse of power are so sickening in the stomach it’s hard to believe that such crookedness really took place. But it seems it’s true.… Read More »


CHICAGO (jGLi) – Because 19 hijackers involved in the September 11 attacks ten years ago came from Arab countries, anti-Muslim sentiments suddenly gained traction in the United States and its allied countries. Why? Most Arabs are Muslims while the minority are Christians. Put it this way, in the United States, majority are Christians (mostly Protestants) while a very… Read More »