These killings must not happen again

“When will this happen again, Daddy?” This was what a scared seven-year-old kid asked his father several hours after 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, drove to the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and shot to death 20 of the kid’s schoolmates and six adults, including the school principal, in another surge of senseless violence… Read More »


Q. Hi Atty , my younger sister, Eva, lived but was not legally adopted by the eldest sister of my mother when she was about two(2) years old. The couple, being childless, considered Eva as their own child. Eva lived with them and sent her to school through college. In 2000, my uncle died. All of the properties… Read More »


With his recent best actor trophy handed during the 55th Asia-Pacific Film Festival for Bwakaw, Eddie Garcia gleams with hope this New Year, 2013. He anticipates accolades to come in Europe filmfests for the same film. And Eddie yearns for another victory. Bwakaw vies for Oscar’s best foreign movie come Oscar’s awards night by February. “If I’d be… Read More »

Where is Christmas?

Everybody in this world needs Christmas. It is the holiday that brightens the end of the year and helps lift up the spirit burdened by all the sad and sometimes horrific events of the earlier months. After Halloween, by the first of November, hints of Christmas would be on the air. Yuletide decorations start to appear on window… Read More »


Events do happen, good and bad. We know God has a reason but man’s nature of attachment destroy man’s capacity to learn the lesson in everything that happened in our lives. AVV1212 When everyone is looking forward to the most wonderful season of the year, tragedy strucks almost every year. Some incidents are so near to Christmas day… Read More »


CHICAGO (jGLi) – In his first official act following his re-election, President Obama decided to visit Thailand, Cambodia and Burma. This gesture of Mr. Obama of excluding the Philippines from his itinerary has confounded political opinion makers in Manila. There is no doubt the Philippines is the U.S.’s oldest ally in the region when it became part of… Read More »

The irony of Christmas

MANILA The irony of Christmas is that while it’s the happiest time of the year, it can be the loneliest for many people. The suicide rate in some countries rises during the holiday season. Filipinos love Christmas. After New Year’s, Filipinos can’t wait until its Christmas again. The countdown to December 25 begins immediately on January 2. This… Read More »

Hang those gloves

I hate to disappoint many Filipino boxing fans. It wasn’t a lucky punch from Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez that viciously floored boxing icon Manny Pacquiao on his face to the canvas in the sixth round of their fourth match in Las Vegas last Saturday. It was a calculated punch that some boxing experts described as the “perfect punch.”… Read More »