The right to die with dignity

The euthanasia death last month of Belgian identical twins Marc and Eddy Verbessem, who were suffering from an incurable disease that had left them deaf for years and turning blind, is certain to spark worldwide debate on the right of a person to die. The 45-year-old brothers, who were inseparable despite being deaf most of their lives, applied… Read More »

Brouhaha over the ‘Marcos Loot’

The hunt for the fabled “Marcos Loot” is beginning to look like an Indiana Jones sequel. The only difference is that this one is for real with real life characters, tons of real gold bullions, and a 2,000-pound solid gold Buddha filled with real diamonds, emeralds, and other precious stones that would make the Queen of England look… Read More »

Indeed a good year, economically

There is no reason not to agree with President Aquino in declaring that the year just passed was a good year for the Philippines. And based on what we have seen in the past year, he could also be right that 2013 would be better. In fact, many friends who have recently visited the Philippines are one in… Read More »


It is a very common subject to write about. There are pages of discussions of which are all over the World Wide Web. But throughout my life, I have not been invited to a single public discussion about the topic. Never been a question asked by my teacher or instructor or professor in my school or university. One… Read More »


We do a forecast yearly in order to assist people in making decisions so as they do not draw their future based on stars and palm lines. This is only a guide so that better situations can be the best and the worst forecast can be prevented from happening. AVV113 Today we will do a reading from a… Read More »

Fears on the once mighty US economy

For years, economists have been saying that the once mighty American economy will soon fall behind the rapidly growing economy of China, and later also by India. And yet, instead of finding ways to halt the rapid slide of the economy, politicians in Washington and greedy American capitalists seem bent on hastening the inevitable. All indications of that… Read More »


With their extra closeness, sweetness visibly seen, Paulo Avelino and LJ Reyes are said to be on the brink of marriage this 2013. If anything, LJ instantly brushed off such report. We’re going strong yet no marital plunge whatsoever. In fact, he’s busy with his works at the Kapamilya network. Ako naman one and a half year pa… Read More »


Q. My brother, a retired Navy man married a Filipina in the late sixties. They moved to Bulan in the eighties and bought a small parcel of land and built a home. My brother told me since he was not a Filipino citizen, he could not own land in the Philippines. Thus the land and house were put… Read More »

Fingerless at New Year’s

The debris on this city’s streets, mainly in residential areas, was super thick in the aftermath of the New Year’s Eve revelry with the traditional fireworks. Driving home from a New Year dinner and countdown, I passed many streets that were nearly impassable because of the riot of firecracker festivities. Debris and assorted pyrotechnic paraphernalia were left abandoned… Read More »