

It seems to have been a dream. Summer in Canada this year feels like a microcosm of the volatile weather (literally and figuratively, I must say) around the globe.  A friend of mine who is quite adept at astrology, says that these turbulent times are a sort of “spring cleaning” as we usher in the Age of Aquarius. I certainly hope she is right because it has been feeling like being in a roller coaster for the past months.

I had a coterie of friends cum classmates in a spiritual study group who used to call this the “chubibo” (carousel) syndrome. You think you are going somewhere but you’re not. But you are moving and going up and down.  Does that not sound like life sometimes? It comes as a package. I guess when there is no up unless there is a down. Makes sense to me. Then again maybe all is neutral, we just label it up or down depending on what concepts we have been programmed with. 

Or is there such a thing as going higher and higher? Perhaps this is what is called as a refined consciousness. These are just random thoughts from an ordinary human being like me navigating everyday life – a hodgepodge of events in one’s life, hopefully, towards the fulfillment of one’s goals.

Whoa! As my mind moves through this thread of thought now, I have come across a “new” (new to me, that is) concept – the Netti Netti Technique. Like a eureka moment just as you are searching for answers. I am not sure if it has the right answers, but it’s worth thinking about it.

In the ancient Sanskrit texts, netti netti is Sanskrit for not this, not that. In short, you realize yourself by knowing what you are not. Like a process of elimination when the doctor has to rule out all possible causes for one’s illness. 

As Nisargadatta Maharaj, a world renowned Indian guru wrote—

“Love says ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two, my life flows.”

The message behind these words bears much thought. I came across this thought provoking message through an article posted in the website Check it out if you are interested in the interconnectedness of life. Some people call it the unity of life. As it states in their website—

 MindThatEgo’s Mission Statement

   “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

   —Hermes Trismegistus

That statement gives you a hint of what one of the basic principles of life is. It takes a lot of study and thinking though to understand what it means and the ramifications that ensues. I am still a student myself, and a very slow one at that.

(Hermes Trismegistus is a legendary Hellenistic figure in ancient times to whom is ascribed a vast body of literature which had a profound influence on religion and philosophy.)

As I quote from Wikipedia —

“The wisdom attributed to this figure (Hermes Trismegistus) in antiquity combined knowledge of both the material and the spiritual world, which rendered the writings attributed to him of great relevance to those who were interested in the interrelationship between the material and the divine.”

Trismegistus means thrice-greatest

OMG! Why did it take me this long to find this site? The interconnectedness of life is exactly what Thich Nhat Han expounds on, in his own unique, down to earth but infinitely profound way, in his many books and lectures in Plum Village in France. Thay, as he is fondly referred to by his followers, is historically recognized as the main inspiration for engaged Buddhism.

Personally, I believe that what we need in these days of turmoil and turbulence is a return to our roots.  I don’t just mean our racial roots, but the essence of our being. An awareness of our universality. Eternal truths never change. It’s funny that one of the eternal truths is that the only constant is change. 

Beats me why I am now on this philosophical trend of thoughts.  Perhaps, this is what the end of summer brings as fall is ushered in.  Just like the spring cleaning in the world as we usher in the Age of Aquarius.

Speaking of Thay, the late great Vietnamese monk I mentioned – one of the things I find interesting in what he espouses and teaches is that to be spiritual does not mean to be a hermit and disavow the world. No wonder he is known to be a peace activist. We must be engaged with the rest of humanity, precisely because we are all connected. Whether we like it or not, we affect each other.


 Before I close, allow me to engage you in some tips and recommendations for some mundane entertainment. 

For your downtime, check out the following K-dramas and C-dramas on one of the most popular streaming sites that starts with an N—

LOVE NEXT DOOR – I am loving it. Alas, by today, only 4 or 5 episodes have been released. Looking forward to the rest.

ROMANCE IN THE HOUSE —  A delightful romcom with a different twist. Only 7 or 8 episodes by today. 8 more to go. 

And for C dramas, here’s what’s hot –

THE DOUBLE – gorgeous production and riveting story

PRINCESS ROYAL – a softer version of The Double but equally engaging

With that, I leave you with thoughts to mull on and video content to immerse yourself in. 


Tessie O. TAylor

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