FAM: Your Choice

Fertility not only perceives the ability of a person to conceive children, but also encompasses the person’s overall health and well-being. People become aware of their fertility in which aids them to improve their fertility. Including, it benefits their physical and mental health in many ways: from mitigating depression, to rectifying hormonal imbalance, and helping make better health… Read More »

Are You a Storyteller?

Storytelling is one of the most creative and effective ways to convey messages, emotions, and ideas to others. Storytelling is a craft and considered a form of art; it is acquired and learned over time. However, it is very rare to master it off the cuff. It takes years of practice, honing the craft. It is an important… Read More »

TOYS: The Joy of Play

Christmas season is the most important time of the year, especially among children. This is when most children wish for a toy as a gift. Did you know that giving toys to children does not only bring joy, but also brings a lot of benefits to their personal development? The origin of toys is not quite clear, but… Read More »

Breakfast Completes a Day

People often say and believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It literally means “to break the fast,” after a stretch of not eating overnight. In a recent systematic review (Zhi-hui Li, et. al., 2021), group of studies suggest that those who eat breakfast are more likely to have a reduced risk for the… Read More »

Crohn’s and Colitis

Some of us may have heard the word Crohn’s disease and Colitis, but what does it mean exactly? Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are diseases that inflame the lining of gastrointestinal tract and disrupt the body’s ability to digest food, absorb nutrition, and eliminate waste in a healthy manner. Inflammation from Crohn’s can affect the gastrointestinal tract, from… Read More »

Arts and Culture: The First Step to Progress

Arts and culture positively impact people and communities. It promotes cooperation and collaboration, and it helps achieve key housing, health, and neighbourhood goals. Not only the Arts creates social cohesion, but it also strengthens the social fabric and increases people’s sensitivity to different cultural practices, beliefs, and identity. Many studies and evidence have shown that arts and culture… Read More »

Food Banks: A Glean of Hope

A study done by University of Toronto revealed that about 5.8 million people in Canada experienced some form of food insecurity in 2021; those numbers include 1.4 million children. In Ontario, one in six households (equal to 2.3 million people) were food insecure during the same period. Out of this figure, nearly five percent or over 250,000 households… Read More »

Kids: Are they OK?

Despite the return to normalcy in school learning that no longer requires online learning, masking and physical distancing, more students are still struggling and feeling unhappy, nervous, or worried about the future. Around 36,000 students in Grades 6 to 12 took part in a survey (by TDSB, 2021) and the findings are worrisome. Students who reported they were… Read More »

Save the Wildflowers

Wildflowers play an important role in our ecosystems. Not only they beautify our surroundings, but these plants have also a big impact in soil health to pollination, and to us as humans. Pollinators: like bees, insects, and birds, depend on many species of wildflowers for food. In turn, these pollinators help provide our food. In fact, around 75… Read More »

RxART Canada: Healing through Art

Art activities and art appreciation has been known to promote healing, reduce stress and anxiety. While more studies are needed to better understand how art therapy impacts our mental and physical health, there is a growing interest in its efficacy for a broad spectrum of health conditions. In a study conducted by Girija Kaimal, et.al. (2016), they found… Read More »