Transferring of land to Canadian children

Q. Dear Atty.Wong, I have always read your column with interest and now I have some issues which I hope you can answer. I need your help. I came to Canada in 1974. I’m now a Canadian Citizen, have dual citizenships (Filipino/Canadian), married to natural-born Canadian citizen. We have two adult children, born in Canada. Back in the… Read More »

Immigration drives economy, elections

CHICAGO (jGLi) – Maybe former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was right when he suggested that President Obama should have taken care of passing the divisive Comprehensive Immigration Reform as his first major, major administration program in his first two years of office. But if Mr. Obama did what Mr. Romney said, Mr. Obama might not be helping himself.… Read More »

Winters in our lives

We do not need to be told. We open our eyes in the morning at six o’ clock and it is still dark it is not even six in the evening and the sun has set. We feel winter coming in the brisk icy wind that seeps into our bones and makes the leaves fall in multicolours of… Read More »


Apparitions of non-Divine spirits cause so much fear to anyone for the reason of lack of understanding about the spirits of those who died ahead or what we commonly know as ghost. AVV1012 It is almost Halloween. From Eastern culture to Western belief it is widely accepted that during this time, the gate of hell, heaven, the undead,… Read More »

The political circus is back

The circus is in town. The game is on. Let the games begin. However you see it, the circus or game called Philippine election is back with all its hoopla and hullabaloo. That the elections would be just another game of the entrenched politicians was evident on the first day of filing for the certificates of candidacy. Chairman… Read More »

Elections loom again

MANILA The seasonal madness that engulfs the Philippines is upon us again, its election time once more. Unfortunately, the list of candidates isn’t inspiring. Actually it’s depressing. On the first week of October, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) here opened its doors to would-be candidates, filing their certificates of candidacy for the positions of senators, congressmen, governors, mayors,… Read More »

Husband’s entitlement to wife’s inheritance

Q. Hello Atty. Wong. I had consulted you before through your column Batas Pinoy Corner of which I’m so much satisfied with your answers. I would like again to have your views about our Inherited properties as follows : 1. Our parents are both now in their second life and they left us a parcel of land with… Read More »

On September and tyrants

It was September 40 years ago when President Marcos cracked down on one of the freest press in the world with the declaration of martial law through Proclamation 1081. For 14 years since, we journalists at that time had to live through censorship in the first few years when military censors actually watched over the newsroom, and self-censorship… Read More »