Not all people believe you—

If you can make more people believe you than those who do not believe, you can still be elected as president of the most powerful country in the world: the United States of America. That is how democracy works – the majority wins. Never mind, how small or large is the majority-This time it was 50% to 49%.… Read More »

Convenient connections to 55 points via Philippine Airlines

When Philippine Airlines (PAL) starts its thrice-weekly Toronto-Manila service on November 30, 2012, not only will residents of Canada’s largest city have a direct link to the Philippine capital, but also convenient connections to 32 domestic and 26 international destinations. PAL’s Toronto flights – the Philippine flag carrier’s first foray to North America’s East Coast since 1997 –… Read More »

Why I remained glued to my seat

It is usual for Filipinos to jump with glee whenever someone Filipino, even with just a tiny drop of brown blood running in his veins, achieves a feat. In the recent elections in the US of A, news reports say thirteen Filipino-Americans won the seats they vied for, some in the national level others in their own States.… Read More »

Ex-Wife Property Rights

Q. I would like to request clarification on the validity of ownership for a piece of property purchased by my Mother sometime in 1996. After the execution of the Deed of Absolutely sale of the subject property the same was registered and the land title that was issued bared the names of my mother, my sister and me… Read More »


CHICAGO (jGLi) – It was already 7 p.m. Central Time in Chicago, Illinois Tuesday Election Night (Nov. 6) and even television and Internet sources are already projecting Mr. Obama ahead of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, yet the Obama campaign was still urging volunteers to make phone calls to voters in swing states. This is one of the… Read More »

Martial law honcho rewrites history

MANILA The principal architect and administrator of Ferdinand Marcos’s martial rule in the Philippines is out to revise history. And he might succeed in doing so. Juan Ponce Enrile, currently the Senate President here, has just written his memoirs. In it, reports say, he washes his hands of all liability for the evils that martial rule wrought on… Read More »

How did the Fil-Ams vote

Once again, the Filipino-American vote did not show on the radar screen during the recent presidential election. Yes, unlike in past presidential elections, the Fil-Am vote was virtually invisible this year. There were no organized national efforts from the Fil-Am Democrats and Republicans. And if there were, I didn’t see them. In a survey conducted by the National… Read More »