These killings must not happen again

“When will this happen again, Daddy?” This was what a scared seven-year-old kid asked his father several hours after 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, drove to the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and shot to death 20 of the kid’s schoolmates and six adults, including the school principal, in another surge of senseless violence… Read More »

A happy and hopeful people

It shouldn’t surprise us anymore that every year, Filipinos are ranked among the happiest people in the world and are ever hopeful that the coming year would be better than the previous one. Despite the poverty around them, and the endless disasters and tragedies that wreak havoc in their lives year in and year out, the Filipinos remain… Read More »

What will 2013 bring us?

We are still here! The world did not end on December 21, 2012 as was the forecast of a group of people. The clock has kept on ticking, the heavy traffic is still there, the bus stops and subway platforms are still full of people waiting for their rides, police cars, ambulances and fire trucks have kept on… Read More »


Numbers. We can’t live with them, we can’t live without them. We count how much we do and don’t do, have and don’t have, the useful and the useless…the good, the bad and the ugly…the number of times we seek attention and recognition and the number of times we failed…the number of times using the urinals, toilets, how… Read More »

Petitions, apologies and forgiveness

The good news is that the world did not end in the 2012 winter solstice – December 2012 – as the Mayan predicted it. Thank goodness. The bad news is that we still have to put up with the world problems. It is a mess. Maybe we can petition the Almighty God to stop it as world turns… Read More »


CHICAGO (jGLi) – Despite the two successive setbacks by Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, Da Pacman has dismissed them as bumps, not end, of the road. I don’t blame him if does not see the setbacks as some kind of Biblical handwritings on the wall. In the book of Daniel Chapter 5, I am sure the Bible-reading Pacman… Read More »


As we were was having our traditional “Noche Buena “ Christmas Eve festive meal of ham, “queso de bola “ roast turkey and other sumptuous goodies, a tinge of guilt suddenly struck me. Here we are amid the comforts of our homes, with family and friends while 13,000 kilometers away in typhoon –ravaged Compostela Valley in Mindanao, a… Read More »

What a December!

MANILA It’s been a December that will not be easy to forget by Filipinos. A couple of weeks before Christmas, a devastating typhoon leveled many parts of Mindanao in southern Philippines. And a very controversial bill on reproductive health passed through a needle’s eye in the Congress after many months of bitter debate. In sports, international boxing icon… Read More »

These killings must not happen again

“When will this happen again, Daddy?” This was what a scared seven-year-old kid asked his father several hours after 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, drove to the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and shot to death 20 of the kid’s schoolmates and six adults, including the school principal, in another surge of senseless violence… Read More »