
Ah, Basta Mahal Kita Araw-Araw

One afternoon, while I was overlooking the lake over at our balcony, I thought of writing about Love—well, in the middle of good weather, the sky is bright, there are no clouds around, a bit of calm wind, and my mind is full of positive thoughts.

Writing about Love amid all the bad news we read in the newspapers or watch on TV is a good respite, an excellent way to relax and put aside things that can stress us out and bring us down.

Thinking about Love will surely put at bay some of these mundane concerns, like the rising cost of essential commodities, high interest rates, high prices of houses and condos, and even worrying about the increasing cost of washing clothes at laundry machines.

In today’s world, with its anxieties and other problems, sometimes, the only thing that can give us some joy is thinking about Love, and as they would say, Love makes the world go round. 

Love is for everyone, regardless of race, culture, and upbringing. When sipping our coffee at home or in some coffee shop, we suddenly hear Michael Jackson’s song, One Day in Your Life. The song will trigger memories about memorable Love, First Love, first kiss, first date, and ad infinitum.

Remember that whatever station we have in life, the success we have achieved, and material possessions we hold dear are nothing if we have not experienced genuine Love.

Never mind if we’ve had a hands-to-mouth existence the past days; think about our Love or anything we’ve done in the name of Love– that will surely make our day, forgetting those little concerns for a while. 

Writers usually are fond of writing stories about Love in February; as they say, it’s the month of Love. But real Love does not require any particular day or month; it’s something we feel every day, every moment of our lives.

In short,  let’s express our Love with our Beloved at any time of the day.

Why wait for special occasions when we can send gifts to our loved ones? Every day is called a “present”. It’s a gift, so by all means, let’s show our loving care through our gifts.

Some might think it’s an exaggeration to claim that some people in Love are willing to spend 99 percent of their lives showing their endless Love for their Beloved.

True lovers are all-out to spend the remaining 1 percent with their only loved one to prove their willingness to sacrifice in the name of Love.

How can we all show our Love and care to our loved ones?

One,  we should use our hands. It’s not enough telling her; I love you” all the time, but on seeing her so busy doing the household chores,  let’s extend our helping hands to make life easier and bearable.

After meeting our friends at the restaurant, we should make sure we have a”pasalubong” for our Beloved—doing that will surely uplift the spirits of both the giver and the receiver.

Remember, our family is always our priority.

Let’s all be observant. When we see our wives’ foreheads full of sweat because of housework, help them wipe it out. It’s a little thing to do, but our beloved will appreciate it because we constantly show our Love and care through word and deed.

If we have some extra money, buy them some sexy lingerie and make them look younger. You know why: it feels good to look and feel young.

For example, a good friend, journalist Dave Veridiano, recently wrote about the impending closure of Harrison Plaza in Malate. 

Well, it’s a good topic for talking with our Beloved over a cup of coffee and slices of bread at breakfast, reminiscing those happy days when we were dating in that place, making the rounds, window-shopping, “kahit a walang tayong pera noon.”

In front of your steadfast Love, we can discuss anything under the sun—about the birds, bees, and flowers in the field; every topic is always exciting.

If our Beloved ever gets bored, simply kiss her on the face; everything will be fine and dandy.

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