Our Most Valuable Wealth

By | April 1, 2023

We normally get fixated in acquiring more and more tangible wealth. Working very hard to accumulate them as part of our desire not only to look good but also to establish that indeed we have arrived. It was a cultural thing such as Europeans are known for being classily well-dressed, put together, or chic, as Parisians call it. With the onslaught of materialism that has reached an even higher level than ever, it now seems a must. Millionaires are now to be sneezed about as the race is now becoming a billionaire, albeit, possibly at a much younger age. Just as Hollywood often greatly influences our culture, there seems to be an unimaginable run to be wealthy and acquire more and more material assets: huge mansions with erstwhile unheard-of luxuries in prime locations no less. Likewise, it has become the norm to have luxurious properties all over the world. But no matter how many private planes, impressive paintings are acquired: Lladros, Baccarats, Carrara marbled bathrooms with gold fittings, no less. Unfortunately, we can only enjoy all these material trappings as well as the perceived prestige of fame, title, and power as long as we have the quintessential wealth, that is, we are healthy enough to enjoy them. Once our health becomes the central issue of our lives, all these glitter fades away and becomes meaningless. 

Along with battling with health issues, our mobility could also be impaired. A fall could end all of our freedom to be independent! Along with that, when our fair-weather family members and friends have become too busy to positively get involved in our care, our life becomes sadder still.  

Thus, our most precious wealth is the one we have to primarily look after, our health! Making plans ahead of time on how we wish to live when we become incapable of doing things ourselves is also of utmost importance. We are healthy today, but as all things in this world is ever changing and impermanent, we have to prepare for the “rainy day” so to speak. Treat your body well and it will serve you well. When we are in the pink of health, it is unimaginable to think that it will change. But it can, unfortunately, in the blink of an eye. So, it is good to set aside regular visits to your primary doctor to keep your health in check.  

It has been said that “youth has been wasted on the young.” When we are young, how we misuse and abuse our bodies with unhealthy and downright harmful preoccupations. We always think “they are just saying that” nonchalantly. However, research has shown, in hindsight, that cigarette smoking (yes, including vape), inordinate amount of alcohol consumption, and mind-altering drugs, have not only drastically shortened, albeit ended many famous people’s lives, but have also made life miserable before leaving this plane. As the baby boomer’s generation start to depart, hopefully, the younger generation learn early from their mistakes. Your health is your best wealth, remember that!

So, it’s a good thing to remember that we can only enjoy life when we have the full capability to do so. That is only when we have the most valuable wealth: health!     

NB: Ms. Buenaobra, is a free-lance writer. While in the Philippines, she worked at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). She is a retiree from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and was a professor of Tagalog at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., USA