By | March 17, 2013

The whole world has its share of love potion rituals. Knowledge of the matter is better than experiencing the actual practice and the worst is ending up as a victim.

The practice of concocting raw materials to be used as love potion is a known practice all over the world. It is one of the most acceptable practices known and available from the supernatural that uses concoction from several materials and prayers that is effected to lure the lost love of man. By pursuing the rejected emotion and desire, others resort to use love potion which is charged with the power of supernatural by a knowledgeable shaman or local mananambal. Its effect actually varies on its victim or better said as subject of the desire. It can be like a hypnotic trance or sometimes just falling in love too much from former feeling of rejection.

Anybody can be a victim – from young to old, wealthy or poor. Man or woman, regardless if you are good looking or not. So everybody can be a victim. The problem will only start if a suitor or an obsessed individual is rejected by his or her desired person. Rejection may come by reason of dislike or by reason of commitment to someone.
If one is in the process of rejecting somebody’s proposal of love, then make it a point to do it politely and with respect so at least a little pride may be left intact to those who failed in the name of love. A harsh and disrespectful rejection is one big reason a gayuma may take effect. Anything against someone will have no effect even if it is loaded with powerful mantra or prayer if one has done nothing wrong. Rejecting someone or something you do not want is not wrong at all if it is done with respect and in a proper manner. Doing it in a worst manner and leaving no space for pride is enough reason for a gayuma to be effective.
The logic here is one doesn’t need gayuma if one is accepted by the one you desire. Those who have no chance at all are the ones who need the gayuma or the magic love potion.
There is one important material for the potion mixture to be effective, the DNA of the subject or the victim. Unlike in medical practice, saliva swabbing is needed to collect the DNA sample. But in making the concoction, at least three strands of hair will do as DNA source. Other sources of DNA are perspiration which is abundant in handkerchief and any used clothing material. But the most effective of them all are used underwear. The body fluid from the genitalia area is the best material for a love potion. The concoction will be complete with the DNA of the subject and together with the secret mixture which is the antidote for the potion. The hardest part of love potion is the actual physical approach on how the subject will drink this without noticing the mixture being mixed.

Pictures which are so abound in social networking sites are not that effective in a gayuma mixture. So stay calm and relax people, your posted pictures on Facebook, twitter, and other social networking sites are not an effective tool for the concoction. So some may ask why is it that they still feel something different. If that is the case, it is not gayuma but Kulam or witchcraft which is different from gayuma. It was already tackled in the past but will still be tackled in the future if there will be more inquiries about it.

If one is under the spell of the potion… don’t worry that much because love potion doesn’t last long. The longest is two weeks and another love potion is needed again. Then the question is why some last so long that it seems the love spell last forever. Here is the truth behind the myth. The perpetuator is a person who is so much in love to another person and the only problem is he or she is rejected, that’s the reason he or she will resort to this kind of ritual and belief. And once the love potion takes effect, the perpetuator will have enough time and chance to prove himself or herself of his or her true worth. The bond goes deep if carnal thing has been consummated. Remember that he or she is so obsessed to the other party that the best is up in the air for the victim or subject. He or she will be treated as a queen or a king. It is the best thing that a man and a woman will experience in their life. With this scenario, even after the spell has lapsed, the victim or the subject will now have the realization or recognition of the true worth and the kind of love the obsessed individual possessed for the victim or subject.
A reversal is done by the perpetuator himself or herself. As I’ve mentioned, they prepare the antidote together with the potion on the same day. The antidote last longer than the potion itself, it usually lasts for two months. The problem is it is so hard to prove if one is really under the spell of the love potion. It then follows that finding the perpetuator is next to impossible. So, the next best thing to do is to look for someone who know the craft and bring DNA sample materials of the victim and they can do some antidote for the subject mostly for a fee but some may only ask for voluntary donation.
The remedy for such case is the victim is put under the care of the “healer” for several sessions until the spell is removed. Usually the victim will be reinstated into an emotion he or she have prior to the spell. But again, if something beautiful happened during the course of the spell, then all will end well for the two individual.

Protection is usually available again to those people who know something about gayuma. One can get it from them for a fee or for free, it depends on the healer. Protection last for several years until the charge power loses its strength. But again, the best protection is the right attitude toward other people regardless if they are so annoying or so lovable. It is because negativity will never win against a positive character and an upright person.

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