In these BALITA’s pages, comments—on stars and celebrities of the good or bad, beautiful or ugly family dynasties –intoxicate the unwary and the innocents; so to make it More complicated, I write this . . . . Gautama was asked what really are you teaching? and the sitting fat man answered: it is both about suffering and annihilating it into nothing. Suffering is life’s essence while nirvana este heaven is attained by cessation of suffering. Even with success and riches “life is suffering” since There will always be sorrow and pain for every one Everyday mostly continuing for the grandchildren. Family dynasties is suffering and they will surely continue because only life is stopped by death and impermanence Hindsight tells us only Earthquakes and floods and famine did stop the ruling dynasties of Korea, Japan and China. Only to be Inflicted In ours and in other poor and destitute lands Seeds of politics sprouted into dynasties, the new mania. Because of BUDHI of insatiable desire for power and money Of constant lust, cravings for success and riches and fear of losing it Life for members and descendants of dynasties is never ending suffering Not a day will they be truly happy even in hating those who hate them. As they suffer in worry in losing success and riches and lose sleep Unashamed of their misdeeds, so will be the life 0f those around them whom they love or are averse. AND THAT perhaps is how Siddhartha Gautama Might simplify Buddhism where DUKHHA means life of suffering And NIRVANA seemingly difficult to attain within dynasties simply Means: “the extinguishing of the fires of desires and aversion, and the annihilation of ignorance. It is freedom from obsessive self concern and self grasping. Nirvana is true happiness that brings inner peace.”